Comment 85016

By Goin'Downtown (registered) | Posted January 09, 2013 at 20:41:34

I'm pleased that the City has chosen to invest resources in civic engagement/IT (yes, it's about time, particularly considering our dysfunctional 6-bodied, distinct, diverse and divisive family).

I'm also pleased that the DP website has been suspended. And, yep, the next step is to terminate the contract with them and tender the whole project out locally, as should have been done in the first place. I can't see any confidence being restored in this project (nor City Hall) otherwise.

And you're all right...there's certainly an abundance of talented, skilled, impassioned communications/p.r./marketing personnel right here on RTH, nonetheless within our City's borders. An abundance.

I don't think the City should feel that they have egg on their face in doing the above-noted steps; not every decision will work out perfectly and who hasn't been fooled by marketing at some point in their lives?

The whole situation is drenched in irony, but that aside...time to move forward...

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