Comment 85820

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted February 04, 2013 at 16:11:42

You know, regarding the remark about "voluntary regressive tax collection centre", this wouldn't be a problem if what we were saying is that we have created an entertainment engine that takes what taxpayers are spending on entertainment, and the monies (besides wages and overhead), are going right back into the tax base.

Problem is that in many cases, the money isn't coming from the citizen's. It's coming from their lines of credit or credit cards or payday loans or loans I don't want to imagine the origin of. I'd perhaps have no issue with this, if the engine was owned and run by us.

Anyone ever read over a bankruptcy questionnaire? Why is it that there is special section related to problem gambling? Why isn't problem shopping or drinking or drugs in there? After all gambling is an addiction just like the rest of them.

Do people realize that going bankrupt on consumer credit versus gambling addiction is different? That there are strict rules and often more money is asked to be paid back if gambling is listed as part or all of the debt problem?

If we are going to be harder on gamblers than alcoholics or drug addicts or shopaholics because shopping and gambling must rate pretty equal, then it's obvious we aren't doing enough to protect gamblers. Where problems are concerned, why are gamblers targeted?

Gambling isn't entertainment. Spending $50 for 3 hours at Bingo is better entertainment. At least a group of people can sit around and chat and dab away. There is still that chance to win a few thousand dollars but your money at least lasts longer. Playing 7-card poker with your buddies over a few beers for quarters, is also a lot more fun. At least your buddies are taking all your money.

Build a gaming facility where everyone is sitting face to face with another person, and we'll talk.

A Casino isn't the answer.

Comment edited by lawrence on 2013-02-04 16:12:00

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