Comment 85843

By Cynic (anonymous) | Posted February 04, 2013 at 23:12:31 in reply to Comment 85839

I wrote a long reply to you and then while I was proof reading it ( stoners can proof read) I realized one thing. You ain't been downtown lately. Theres so many 'Stoners' there you and you havn't realize what the real problem is.

Talk to the people outside the Meth clinics.( half the people downtown during daylight). These people are certianly not addicted to 'pot'. Most have them have ended up there because of prescription drugs. Not Cocaine or heroin. The medical profession has a huge amount of responsibility for what is happening in downtown Hamilton.

i live downtown and i would much rather be surrounded by potheads that opiate addicted zombies that preseantly infest 'downtown'. The only ay to do that is make the propery worth so much that the meth clinics can;t afford the rent. The when there is no Meth finally someone will step i and say'Why is the province perscribing enough opeates to kill everyone.

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