Comment 85961

By Truss (anonymous) | Posted February 07, 2013 at 11:41:26 in reply to Comment 85957

Apologies for the uncouth imagery. I had difficulty unpacking your message because of its punctuation but also because its reference points were anchored outside of the thread.

To digress again from the mental health thrust of the above letter/entry, I would not get too hung up on the particulars of the Mercantis' proposal. The past week's theatre, whatever you thought of its merits, had little to nothing to do with the RFPQ.

I have found it useful to re-read the nuts and bolts of the OLG's bid process and reflect on the powerful legal privilege enjoyed by the Province, which has allowed it to do as it wishes for as long as anyone can remember. In doing so, I have begun to appreciate that the will of locals, pro or con, may ultimately have little impact upon the outcome of this "modernization" process, whether the facility is sited at Brock and 5 or Bay and King.

Anyway, thank you for sharing the letter, Ryan.

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