Comment 86273

By Usual suspect/Dissident (anonymous) | Posted February 13, 2013 at 23:03:30

So much for this article!
Can't wait to hear the Councillors blame the Province when we end up with a downtown entertainment facility.
So much for standing Proud in support of your previous decision. Thanks for leaving the door open wide enough for us to get hosed. Thanks for leaving out the refferendum issue should it fail in Flamborough.
I think your supporters deserve an explanation for this shift... And the fact that you believe there will be at least 1 bid for Flamborough means very little without rationale.
God bless you Sam while some are shaking their heads and figuring this is a masterful strategic move others of us see it for what it is.
When you can't beat em...
Oh wait how about
Good cops vs Bad cops?
Please prove us wrong!

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