Comment 88604

By BYRON ZORZOS (anonymous) | Posted May 10, 2013 at 12:47:49

This is a common phenomenon that has and always will exist where many grassroots initiatives lose steam by attrition, stonewalling and roadblocks at the hands of those who are being paid to serve the public, or by the private sector with their own profit-driven agenda.
It is a result of "volunteer burnout" which can result from frustration, harassment or time constraints. These activists and groups rely on donations of time and/or resources to be allowed the opportunity to maintain their initiatives.
Can you imagine how much could be accomplished if there was a budget to cover the costs of employment of community representatives, staff, offices and facilities , with perhaps the occasional hiring of a consultant here and there to fill in knowledge gaps? This city would be awesome!

But wait a minute .... we already have that in the form of a City Council et. al. and look where we are.

I suggest that the City of Hamilton supply some funding that could support the efforts of a watchdog/citizen's ombudsman type body that would monitor the activities of City Council. I believe that it would be money well spent and would help ensure the accountability and transparency claims of City Council and Staff.

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