Comment 32318

By Dcept905 (anonymous) | Posted July 07, 2009 at 10:29:54


While I don't mean for this to reflect on the business you work for, I'm afraid you've brought this on yourself by not thinking before speaking (typing?). I'll start by copy/pasting some text from you first post on this article:

"Y'all hate the big boxes and yet
you happily use them as dedicated hosts."

Your site (even though it's not actually "functional")is being run on Apache... kudos! Now, the unfortunate part that makes you look like a big hypocrite, is that it's hosted *GASP!* outside of Canada:

City: Orem, UT
Latitude: 40.2982
Longitude: -111.698

Rather than go on some self-righteous rant about how your company doesn't support the local economy, and draw random parallels between your plumbing business and The Spec, I'll just chalk this up to somebody who wasn't thinking before they decided to post and should likely take the "choose your battles" advice from an above poster.

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